Tuesday, January 29, 2013

artist statement

I have always been interested in architectural landscape; building, houses and barns. Im interested in space that occupies the land and how its structure looks in the land. I have spent the last couple of months investing my time in six specific houses that hold importance to me, whether it be for a memory, a person or a feeling I have towards that house. These six specific houses will appear in my entire body of work this semester. I have put a lot of thought into what each specific house means to me, and how I want to achieve that feeling and meaning through painting.
In Visiting Artists I am solely going to work on paper, and most of the work I produce will be smaller in size. This class will act as a preparatory class for Seminar, where I will produce larger, more realized paintings on canvas. I am focusing on mood and memory and how to accurately achieve that through color and composition choices of each house and it’s structural qualities. 

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